The New Revolution of the financial system is Defi (Decentralized Finance)

Game of Life
Published in
6 min readAug 19, 2020


A new parallel financial system is developing as the world heads into a recession and economic instability. It’s encrypted and works on a decentralized network without permission.

It is open, neutral, and accessible to everybody with an Internet service as opposed to the current financial system. It is fundamentally transparent, can be audited in real-time and its rules are written in open source code. It offers us new ways to generate, save, and transmit value, independent of banks. Retail — the first system to make access to financial services transform and democratize worldwide.

The term Defi applies in general to Ethereum-based digital assets and financial smart contracts, protocols, and decentralized apps (DApps). In simpler terms, it’s software that can be built on the blockchain like Money Legos.

We will first try and see how conventional investments come in to fully grasp Defi. While it seems like sometimes capital has always been available, that’s really not the case. Initially, people were trading for goods and services. But our economies did so when human societies were formed and developed. They also developed currencies to promote the trade of commodities. Instead, the dollar led to new innovations and increased productivity rates. Yet without its expense, no change came.

Central institutions, such as states, have traditionally provided currencies to sustain our economies. The availability of currency in circulation will be controlled and governed with care by central banks and institutions. With our economies growing in size and complexity, these central authorities have gained more power as more people trust them. Your confidence that the government will not print any money overnight. You have confidence in your bank to safely store your money. So you have faith in a financial planner when it comes to savings. You hope to make a profit by handing over your money to others.

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You trust your government to not print more money overnight. You trust your bank to safely store your money. And, when it comes to investing, you trust your assets to a financial adviser. By handing control of your money over to others, you hope to earn a profit. Nevertheless, the triste irony of our current financial structure is that its strength is not always compensated with confidence. Often, we have little control over the management of our investments by companies or even our economic management by our governments. And, in most situations, just a fraction of the return produced by such central administrations is obtained by investors.

Decentralized finance is designed to establish a financial system which is open to everyone and minimizes the need for central authorities to trust and rely on. Technologies such as the Internet, cryptography, and blockchain give us the tools for creating and controlling a financial system collectively without central authorities.

Almost every Defi device is developed on Ethereum, the best-known blockchain technology in the world. Ethereum is a blockchain network that keeps a common digital value directory. The participants composing the network monitor in Decentralized fashion, instead of a central authority, the problem of ether ( ETH) as a native crypto-monetary network.

Developers can program Ethereum applications that can block the blockchain for the creation, storage, and management of digital assets. Those are regarded as intelligent contracts or autonomous software. These are Ethereum network contracts or deals. The ability to build a more stable and open financial framework is created by decentralized finance. All persons with an internet connection can access the Ethereum blockchain and interact with smart contracts. Many intelligent contracts are created to be open and interoperable with existing intelligent contracts. Users will then test the code of the intelligent contracts and select which services function better for them.

With Legos, you start with a group of little bricks like smart money Legos. It is your duty to create something fresh by bringing the Lego bricks together. The same goes for informed negotiations. You have more Lego money in your portfolio for each new idea, device, or service introduced at Ethereum. And you can merge, change or build powerful new financial devices from these money legos by integrating different Defi components.

When it comes to Defi infrastructure, there are various degrees of decentralization. Because the fact is, not everyone should or must be autonomous in its entirety.

In brief, the hardware is minimal and the Defi lines often tend to blur. The legislation will adapt in due course to the changing financial landscape and Defi becomes clearer in the world. One thing is clear, however: Defi is here to stay.

The fusion of conventional bank infrastructure and emerging technology, such as the blockchain, is decentrally funded (Defi). Since of its open nature, DeFi may also be named Open Finance. The DeFi community is primarily trying to create alternatives to all currently available financial services. Other programs provide investing and checking accounts, lending, dealing of securities, savings, and many more. DeFi will not stop soon. If you think the future has digital money, then explore DeFi.

DeFi continues to play an important role in the development of the financial sector for many factors. Secondly, DeFi increases the flexibility and scope of money. Provoke an incremental growth in the global economy because all the participants in the DeFi sector are connected. Analysts thus see this area as one of the most significant newly developing cryptographic industries. This commitment to the development of a DeFi ecosystem is easy to recognize. DeFi is the fastest-growing market of the blockchain of particular.

Now we get clear importance of Decentralized Finance and how it could change the whole financial system of the world. When the global business is on the verge of falling due to a severe attack of CoronaVirus and many other natural disasters, we need a concrete financial base to rely on. Now blockchain is the trending platform and with the decentralised financial system, one can easily found stability.

Coinbreze is one of the finest cryptocurrency exchange platform where you can trade multiple exchange pairs and it also gives you the leverage of trading with INR an USD. The newest approach of the exchange is to step in the decentralized finance ecosystem. Unlike other platforms, coinbreze offers a one-step solution of Defi. The services that are required to build a customer relationship coinbreze have all in their project. The newest Defi projects are likely to encourage the large financial market to invest in crypto-based financial projects. Coinbreze assures the custodianship of the investment with insurance. It also includes the provisions of the nominee. With one request withdrawals makes the investors’ life easier in coinbreze exchange. Coinbreze cares for its clients and investors. With many more customer-driven offers coinbreze will soon launce their Defi project in the market.

More DeFi apps are now than ever before. These applications save time and money for companies and customers. DeFi platforms in nearly every financial sector started to emerge. While the DeFi market grows, it is important to recognize the functionality of all DeFi Dapps and rely on a trustworthy platform. Coinbreze is growing cryptocurrency exchange platform which is growing rapidly in the pandemic situation with trust and loyalty towards customer coinbreze stands out one of the suitable platforms for Defi.

When our company’s key structures are moving towards decentralization, demand for DeFi Dapps will rise in the future. Such modern technologies tend to greatly challenge traditional enterprise processes.

The new norm for the economy would soon be developed through decentralized applications. As a result, global economic engagement over the coming years will be significantly enhanced. For the time being, DeFi offers the world an insight into a more democratic existence.

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